
Satellite made easy

Jan. 23, 2009
Satellite is not that difficult to machine. Treat it as any other hard material. Use only carbide tools and run them slow — I rough at 65 fpm and finish at 80 fpm. And, you will go through a lot of inserts. Tools should take a good bite ...

Satellite is not that difficult to machine. Treat it as any other hard material. Use only carbide tools and run them slow — I rough at 65 fpm and finish at 80 fpm. And, you will go through a lot of inserts.

Tools should take a good bite and not rub the material away, so workpiece setups need to be as rigid as possible. When threading the material, I suggest threadmilling, and when drilling, use coolant-through carbide drills and minimize pecking. Let the coolant flush chips out.

Online name:phyrexii

South East Mass.