Interviewer/job candidate

Write a Resume That Wins Interviews in Manufacturing

March 14, 2019
Six tips for preparing a CV that will show potential employers you have the talent and potential for a leadership role in manufacturing

A good resume presents your skills, qualifications, and experience in a way that grabs the interest of the hiring manager receiving the document. When it you are preparing a resume to present yourself to a manufacturing employer, there are some ways you can make yours stand out.

Formatting your resume — The format you select should depend on the amount of experience you have and how long you’ve been out of the workforce. If you’re experienced and have an uninterrupted work record, then use the reverse chronological resume format. “This format lets you show off your most recent skills from your current or recent employment. That’s good because hiring managers are going to be most concerned with what you’ve been doing recently,” suggested Margaret Jeffcoat, resume proofreader at Academized.

If you’re low on experience, or have been unemployed for a stretch, then use the functional format. This format puts a bigger emphasis on your skills and qualifications, and less on your experience in the field.

Start with a summary — The best way to begin your manufacturing resume is with a summary of your qualifications. Describe your technical skills and abilities. List your major awards and career achievements. Don’t forget to include your licensing, certifications, work experience, and your university education. Including this important information right at the top of your resume lets the hiring manager know that you’re qualified and will increase your chances of being selected for an interview.

Focus on interpersonal skills — Good interpersonal skills are an important part of your job. Your resume should reflect this fact. It’s very important for an employee to be professional and personable, to help people deal with the problems that occur during the process.

Clean and concise — Write your resume in complete sentences, quantifying as much as possible, emphasizing your achievements, and using "action" verbs to begin sentences. Quantifying may seem like a difficult thing to do for a manufacturing job, but there are ways: for example, one good way to do this is to say how many people you trained at your last position.

Online tools to improve writing basics — Your manufacturing resume needs to be well-written and polished. It’s a written representation of yourself and the skills and work ethic you’ll bring if you’re hired.

Here are some online resources that can help you write a better resume:
1. Resumention – This is the place to go when you need a resume written properly. Don’t risk submitting a sub-par resume, get the professionals to help you out.
2. ViaWriting and WritingPopulist - These are grammar resources full of tips and suggestions on how to improve the grammar in your resume.
3. BigAssignments and EssayRoo – Check out these online proofreading tools, recommended by AustralianReviewer, and stop worrying about leaving typos and other errors in your resume.
4. SimpleGrad and StateofWriting – These blogs are super informative and chock full of helpful suggestions about improving your business writing skills.
5. BoomEssays and UKWritings – Use these editing tools to check over your resume. They work great and have been reviewed by UKServicesReviews.
6. MyWritingWay and LetsGoandLearn – Read through these career guides and learn more about writing resumes and cover letters, and how to thrive in the job interview.

Extra resume writing tips — Keep your resume short, preferably one page or less. Remember that it’s okay to show how you’ve matured in roles in your career. Don’t be afraid to include some of the entry-level manufacturing jobs from earlier in your career, if you’re a seasoned veteran. Employers like to see growth over the course of a career.

A manufacturing resume needs to demonstrate that you have the skills, qualifications, and education necessary to do the job well. Don’t forget to include your professional skills, because they are a crucial aspect of the job. Follow this guide to write a manufacturing resume that will get you an interview.
Chloe Bennet is content manager at Paper Fellows and OX Essays services. She helps with email marketing, newsletter creation and UX. Also, she is a proofreader at AustralianHelp.

About the Author

Chloe Bennet | Content Manager

Chloe Bennet is content manager at Paper Fellows and OX Essays services, working as well with email marketing, newsletter creation, and UX.

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