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Lockheed to Fit Trident Missile to New Class Subs

March 3, 2021
Lockheed Martin Space has a $128.7-million U.S. Navy contract to integrate the Trident II ballistic missile systems to the forthcoming U.S. Columbia-class and U.K. Dreadnought-class submarine programs.

The U.S. Navy awarded a new contract to Lockheed Martin Space to support integration of Trident II missile and re-entry subsystems into the common missile compartment for the U.S. Columbia-class and U.K. Dreadnought-class submarine programs. The $128.7-million, “cost-plus-fixed-fee contract” will cover work at multiple Lockheed sites in the U.S. and elsewhere. The contract is expected to be completed in early 2027.

The Trident II D5 is the current generation, submarine-launched fleet ballistic missile system, in service since 1990 and currently in place for the U.S. Ohio-class and British Vanguard-class submarines, both of which will be replaced with newer-generation subs in coming years.

The Columbia-class nuclear submarine is the planned replacement for the Ohio-class vessels, with construction having begun last October. The first new sub is scheduled to enter service in 2031.

The Dreadnought-class is the future replacement for the Royal Navy’s Vanguard class of ballistic missile submarines. The construction program started in 2016 and the first new subs are expected to enter service in the early 2030s.

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