METRIOS shopfloor measuring systems include a wide choice of models and degrees of accuracy, offering perfect measurement solution for all types of components: from automotive, aerospace, and medical parts to semiconductors and micro components. The range of systems make it possible to check dozens of dimensions in a matter of seconds with a single program, both single-piece and multi-pieces.
The new Metrios 332 optical measuring machine responds to machine shops’ need to meet the demand of all component manufacturers who do not want to give up the precision guaranteed by multi-sensor machines, but who also seek the speed and simplicity that only modern measuring systems can offer.
Metrios 332 synthesizes all these features, combining ease of use, speed, completeness, and precision in a single compact and powerful solution built for operating on the shop floor.
Included among its design features are:
- A 300x300-mm X-Y measuring range and a 200-mm part passage. The wide measuring range combined with high part passage enables the Metrios 332 system to measure a wide range of parts, offering unparalleled flexibility and versatility.
- Accommodation for parts up to 20 kg on the stage. The high load capacity allows even heavier parts to be placed on the working area.
- A wide-field sensor detects the parts on the stage and measures them at maximum speed. This achieves fast and reliable results thanks to the new sensor that detects the parts on the stage and measures the required dimensions in a matter of seconds.
- An ultra-high magnification sensor for reliability and accuracy. The sensor can detect points in X-Y-Z even for minute details.
- A novel, comprehensive lighting system shields parts from environmental light and ensures accurate and reliable measurement results even on difficult-to-detect surfaces.
Metrios 332 measurement system is a breakthrough in the field of industrial metrology thanks to its ability to combine the simplicity and speed of automatic optical measurement, with the completeness and accuracy of multi-sensor machines directly in the production environment. It is an indispensable tool for workshops and manufacturers who want to maintain high quality standards and competitiveness.
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