Automation opportunities are plentiful with the multitasking Hyper Quadrex 100MSY from Mazak Corp., which allows long periods of unmanned operation over breaks, nights and weekends. In addition to a coordinated “hand-off” between the machine’s spindles, bar feeders and automatic part unloaders are available, as well as robotic machine tending.
The machine features two horizontally opposed spindles, each with a 6-in. through-hole chuck. They each generate 15-hp and 6,000 rpm. There are also upper and lower 12-postion tool turrets, both capable of traversing in the Y axis for off-center machining operations. Fixed and live tooling (6,000 rpm/7.5 hp) can be mounted on both turrets.
This twin-turret, twin-spindle configuration is what gives shops innovative process opportunities. The machine’s main and secondary spindles can operate together or separately, allowing a single part to be machined on all surfaces through a coordinated hand-off between spindles, or two different parts can be machined simultaneously on one machine.
Since the twin turrets can operate independently or together on the same part, shops can machine two part features simultaneously or balance machining strategies. In balanced cutting, two tools work together on the same feature, such as rough and finish turning, rough and finish milling, or opposed feature drilling, tapping, or boring using the Y axes.
According to Mazak, where part configurations permit, balanced machining can remove up to 25 percent of part cycle time.