Halter CNC Automation
Np Halter Compactseries 800 5fbecb2a81727

Expanded Series of CNC Loading Robots

Nov. 25, 2020
Small-footprint automation systems for lathes, milling machines, and universal machines, with a 26.45-lb. payload, ease of use, and short changeover times.

HALTER COMPACT CNC loading robots feature a 26.45-lb. payload and a small footprint, for manufacturers that use a small payload workpiece. A three-month free demo is available to test the feasibility of the product.

The three models are:
• TurnStacker Compact for lathes;

• MillStacker Compact for milling machines; and

• Universal Compact for flexible purposes.

The TurnStacker Compact 12 is a robotic loading solution for turning with a high capacity for diameters up to 160 mm. The MillStacker Compact 12 is a robotic loading solution for milling with a high capacity for workpieces up to 200 mm. The Universal Compact 12 is a robotic loading solution for turning and milling and offers a long shaft option for workpieces up to 250 mm.

Halter CNC has a portfolio of CNC loading robots with robotic arms with payloads of 44.09, 75.16, 154.32 lbs. The increasing demand for smaller models made the company push through the limits. It has resulted in developing a high-capacity Halter with a 26.4-lbs. robot that takes up very little floor space. Benefits include high-quality, ease of use, and short changeover times, which means that the Halter systems can be used flexibly, even for smaller series.

Loading robots such as the Halter Compact series provide manufacturing solutions for loading and unloading parts to a CNC machine or other machine center. Making a robot place a workpiece inside a CNC machine increases production speeds and protects workers from injury. More than that, loading robots can offer lights-off manufacturing. The reduction of payload still caters to the range that standard CNC machines can handle. Learn more at www.haltercncautomation.com

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