New Hyperterm Site Asks Plasma or Oxyfuel?

July 2, 2009
Helping customers decide which metal cutting method is right for them

Hypertherm has unveiled a new Web site it says will help visitors to understand the differences between plasma and oxyfuel cutting, so they can decide which method is right for them. The site — — contains a series of educational articles on seven factors to be considered when making the choice of a cutting method: cut quality, productivity, cost per part, overall profitability, ease of use, flexibility, and safety.

There are also several videos on the site, one of which contains a side-by-side comparison of the two technologies. More information is available through links to external resources.

“There is sometimes confusion as to which cutting method to use,” said Paula Flanders, a Hypertherm content manager. “ aims to help people better understand the factors they should consider and works to dispel common myths that exist among the two technologies so that people can make an informed decision.”

Hypertherm calls itself “plasma arc metal cutting technology.” It designs and manufactures plasma cutting systems for use in shipbuilding, manufacturing, and automotive repair, and a variety of other industries. Its products include handheld and mechanized plasma systems and consumables, as well as CNC motion and height controls.