Metal Parts Company Turns to Plastics

May 29, 2008

Catalina Precision Products Inc., Canton, Mich., (, a diversified manufacturer and contract assembly company, announced the acquisition of contract plastics injection molder and mold manufacturer UFE Inc., Stillwater, Mich. According to Catalina, the combined company will provide an enhanced international manufacturing platform with a diverse customer and products base. UFE product sales will be fully integrated into Catalina, focusing on key global customers.

The company’s investment plans call for constructing a larger platform company that offers the ability to compete on a global basis with excellent products and desirable geographic locations. “Catalina has tremendous access to the automotive OEMs and Tier Ones and has worked closely with them to fully understand the products, locations, and services that are needed,” a company spokesperson said.

Catalina, through its various units that include Aradco/Aramco, Spring Engineering & Manufacturing Inc., Catalina Precision Products de Mexico, and now UFE Inc., offers stamping components, coiled sprints, injection molded components and injection molds. Additionally, UFE provides Catalina with diversification outside the automotive industry. The combined companies collectively operate 11 facilities in four countries, and serve the automotive sector, medical device, consumer products and office products/electronics industries.