2009 World Conference on Quality and Improvement

Oct. 16, 2008
The conference content-comprised of more than 90 breakout sessions-is designed to create, promote, and grow the culture of quality on a global scale, through five focus areas: quality basics; customer service; driving quality through the organization; ...

The conference content-comprised of more than 90 breakout sessions-is designed to create, promote, and grow the culture of quality on a global scale, through five focus areas: quality basics; customer service; driving quality through the organization; improved performance; and 21st century needs, competencies and issues. The conference will offer attendees the
latest quality knowledge and tools through networking with quality experts,as well as opportunities to generate quality ideas through a broad range of sessions. Back by popular demand are the "After 5" sessions. These unique, interactive presentations are designed to demonstrate how quality can be
incorporated into everyday life-with sessions on yoga, skincare, sushi,kitchen improvements, power tool safety and much more.
Four Conferences for the Price of One
This year's conference offers a unique opportunity for attendees to take part in three other "mini-conferences" that will be held concurrently with the ASQ World Conference, all for one registration fee:
- Quality Institute for Healthcare (QIHC) - 12 sessions and 8 workshops available
- The Quality Institute for Software - 9 sessions available
- The Quality in Sustainability Conference - 12 sessions,
8 workshops and 1 keynote
Watch for detailed content information about breakout sessions-as well as keynote speaker information-in the next few weeks on the ASQ World Conference Web site, http://wcqi.asq.org.